
Hope for the week...

Tomorrow i leave for church camp.
Sounds lame, but it's probaby the best camp you will EVER go to. :)
Last year i went to junior high camp as a big fish, but this year is my first year for senior high camp. IM GOING TO BE THE SMALL FRY!
Only advantage?
Every guy is bound to be older.
None of these immature little boys your around all the time.....>:)

So, my hope for the week is to find a handsome, worthwhile mayne too hang out with. :)
AND get closer to God of course, but we all know that's a must.
Oh my lawd, I'm so nervous!!!
We're having a costume party as out dance, and I'm dressing like Jane Bennet. From the newsest Pride & Prejudice. I have a pretty dress and everything! :D

But, the cabins are DISGUSTING! I hope by some tiny chnce that i get the residential, nice, air conditioned, four bathroom instead of one, roomy, carpeted, closets, big bedded room.

It happened last year, but i wont get so lucky this year.
WELL, I'm out. gotta finish packing....

and finish my pokemon game! :D

P.S. I actually have GOOD tan lines, and I'm finally getting rid of my soccer tan. It's amazing...........


Except my boobs are a bit sunburnt...


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