
It's been a while...

Hello! It's been tooooooo long.
I'm now a 10th grader...WOOHOO.
Im still in the application process for the exchange program, and i have an informational meeting tomorrow night! I'm excited. :)
I don't like dat stooped boi no moh. We're just buddies, and I like it like that.

I have 2 new buddies, Carolin from Germany, and Clarissa from Brazil! :D They're officially awesome. Carolin and I went to Islands of Adventure, noooooooo one was there. We rode Dueling Dragons 6 times in a row. Still have to beat my personal record.

I'm procrastinating as we speak, four test tomorrow, a few the next day, along with a major works data sheet and report! I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE school. It's the greatest. HA. Oh well, I have to do it if I plan on doing what i want to do in life! (That's a whoooole 'nother blogs worth.)

I've also been reading through my blogs, trying to find anything that might get me sued/in trouble. (I recently had someone warn me! BLAH!)
Thats a big deal these days. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Oh well, what can you do.

Well, i REALLY have to study. Major.
Peace out homes, :)

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