
Great News

Wow. It's been a while.
Two weeks?
I've been busy with school, life, and everything in between.
I talked to my parents.
My evil planned worked.
After 6 months of pleading, persuading, and arguing. (nicely for the most part)
I finally got the okay to sign up for the RYE youth exchange.
All my hard work has paid off.
I finally did it! I cant believe it.
It's crazy to think one more year and I'll be off in another country, learning a new langauge, meeting new people.
So many people question my wish for being there, because they wouldnt want to "leave thier friends".

Well, guess what. I'm not going to let a lame excuse like that stop me from taking a once and a lifetime opportunity.
Because someday, you'll move away to college someday, and you probably won't talk to most of them after that anyway.
So, whatever.
There are plenty of new friends waiting to be made somewhere else.

So, thats what im really looking forward too. And this summer I'm taking a German language class, and i have a crapload of baby sitting jobs, so hellz yah.
I already made 40 bucks for a couple hours yesterday, and i have two more days coming up, 50$ a day. That's all going towards the exchange fund.
AND! instead of a car, im asking for a macbook, so i can video chat and junk with my familia!

Well, gotta bake some cookies! See yah!

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