

It's been a long long long long long long time, but guess. what. I'm LIVING IN CROATIA NEXT YEAR! WHOOP WHOOP! Sadly, it's not Germany. And all my German is down. the toilet. Darn. But I'm going to love it. And I'll be learning a beautiful langauge, Croatian. I'm thankful/excited/disappointed/refreshed/jittery/etc! It's an undescribable feeling, because it all finally starts to sink in. But only a bit. It still feels like a dream.

A year, in another country. Away from everything I know, to a place I'm extremely unfamiliar with. Hmm...we'll see how that goes!

Well, just thought I'd update you. Kay thanks bye love you. :)


It's been a while...

Hello! It's been tooooooo long.
I'm now a 10th grader...WOOHOO.
Im still in the application process for the exchange program, and i have an informational meeting tomorrow night! I'm excited. :)
I don't like dat stooped boi no moh. We're just buddies, and I like it like that.

I have 2 new buddies, Carolin from Germany, and Clarissa from Brazil! :D They're officially awesome. Carolin and I went to Islands of Adventure, noooooooo one was there. We rode Dueling Dragons 6 times in a row. Still have to beat my personal record.

I'm procrastinating as we speak, four test tomorrow, a few the next day, along with a major works data sheet and report! I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE school. It's the greatest. HA. Oh well, I have to do it if I plan on doing what i want to do in life! (That's a whoooole 'nother blogs worth.)

I've also been reading through my blogs, trying to find anything that might get me sued/in trouble. (I recently had someone warn me! BLAH!)
Thats a big deal these days. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Oh well, what can you do.

Well, i REALLY have to study. Major.
Peace out homes, :)


@E's eye

@E's eye, originally uploaded by 0mateo123.

My eye, :)



from all this nonsense.
creepy boys, old boys, mean boys.
soccer conditioning, three days a week, three hours each.
stupid summer project, which i still need to figure out.
waiting for August is a nightmare.

But other than that, my life is goood. Real gooood.
My sister left this morning, but U'm going to visit her in a couple weeks.
I just got back from camp and Georgia, uhMAZING.
Although Europe would of been so much better, we now have to wait until next year. :(

About August, I finally get to apply for my foreign exchange program. Wish me LUCK! :)

Well, i have soo much to write, but i don't feel like typing at the moment. haha.

So, i hope this short status update was enough! :)



Hope for the week...

Tomorrow i leave for church camp.
Sounds lame, but it's probaby the best camp you will EVER go to. :)
Last year i went to junior high camp as a big fish, but this year is my first year for senior high camp. IM GOING TO BE THE SMALL FRY!
Only advantage?
Every guy is bound to be older.
None of these immature little boys your around all the time.....>:)

So, my hope for the week is to find a handsome, worthwhile mayne too hang out with. :)
AND get closer to God of course, but we all know that's a must.
Oh my lawd, I'm so nervous!!!
We're having a costume party as out dance, and I'm dressing like Jane Bennet. From the newsest Pride & Prejudice. I have a pretty dress and everything! :D

But, the cabins are DISGUSTING! I hope by some tiny chnce that i get the residential, nice, air conditioned, four bathroom instead of one, roomy, carpeted, closets, big bedded room.

It happened last year, but i wont get so lucky this year.
WELL, I'm out. gotta finish packing....

and finish my pokemon game! :D

P.S. I actually have GOOD tan lines, and I'm finally getting rid of my soccer tan. It's amazing...........


Except my boobs are a bit sunburnt...




clouds, originally uploaded by adasorous.

I'm sorry. i love this picture.....
yes. i took it! :)


Great News

Wow. It's been a while.
Two weeks?
I've been busy with school, life, and everything in between.
I talked to my parents.
My evil planned worked.
After 6 months of pleading, persuading, and arguing. (nicely for the most part)
I finally got the okay to sign up for the RYE youth exchange.
All my hard work has paid off.
I finally did it! I cant believe it.
It's crazy to think one more year and I'll be off in another country, learning a new langauge, meeting new people.
So many people question my wish for being there, because they wouldnt want to "leave thier friends".

Well, guess what. I'm not going to let a lame excuse like that stop me from taking a once and a lifetime opportunity.
Because someday, you'll move away to college someday, and you probably won't talk to most of them after that anyway.
So, whatever.
There are plenty of new friends waiting to be made somewhere else.

So, thats what im really looking forward too. And this summer I'm taking a German language class, and i have a crapload of baby sitting jobs, so hellz yah.
I already made 40 bucks for a couple hours yesterday, and i have two more days coming up, 50$ a day. That's all going towards the exchange fund.
AND! instead of a car, im asking for a macbook, so i can video chat and junk with my familia!

Well, gotta bake some cookies! See yah!



All this bull crap about living life to the fullest.
I've hated all those stupid sayings about breaking rules and living once and blah blah blah.

Yes, there are some ways that those quotes can be seriously considered,
but honestly?
No wonder we have all these dang hoodlums causing a ruckus.
Because some DAYUM person had to use living once as an excuse.

Hahaha, I'm sorry. But those are cheesy.
Yes, go ahead. go jump a fence, scrape your knee, get dirty.
But don't go screwing your life up.
What more will you have when you end up getting fired? divorced? arrested? killed? HELL??

It may sound stupid, but if you think about it.
It starts to make sense.
There IS a little something called heaven people.
Make the right choices during your crappy life here on Earth, and i bet you can have a much better one after your dead.

I apologize for the religious views.
But thats how I look at it!
And if there isn't a heaven...?
Well, my life will already be over by the time I find out, so who cares?

Toay was exciting.
I saw my friend Jenna! I haven't seen her in AGES! We used to be BFFLZ4LYF~!~!~!~ ;)
We went offroading, on this little thingy. it was AWESOME!
We made cheeseburgers, went driving in her carrrrr,
and watched TAKEN!
I love that movie. It's so gooooood.

Oh, thats another movie you need to go see.

Taken - Good guys win.

Ha. Tomorrow is school. I'm procrastinating some more.
Somebody slap me.
I should be finishing my note cards....oh welllllll.
I'll just stay up extra late. :)

Well, I should probably do that now.
Seeee yah foooools.


Study Time

Self explanatory.
Study Time.

i'm currently scanning the crap for Jeanna,
but her parents probably made her go to bed.
which won't be good.
because she needs to study!!

So tomorrow's the exam.
AP human geography.

I'm afraid I'll do baddddd,
especially on the free response question. UGH!
Oh well, just thought I'd blog.

Oh, btw. Pokemon is SICK! :D



It's like a poisonous flower.

It seems so nice to not do your homework, but when it comes time to do it....last minute of course, it SUCKS!
Yep, folks. I'm a procrastinator. Major.

I'm procrastinating as we speak.
It's 12:33 and i should be finishing my video project thats due tomorrow!
But guess what!!!

Especially when the teacher gives us the assignment the day before it's due.
Yah, he's smart.

So now I'm listening to "Love Is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar. It's deep. Haha.




Yes. I'm in math class. LAME! My teachers name is Jelterow Mckinnie. He's gangster. We call him Jeltz Da Dragon. (My header picture that lovely baby Jeanna drew for me.)
Taking notes. On triangles. Isn't that what second graders do? Ha. Ohhhhh welllllllll.

So, I watched The Duchess last night, and it was really good, and sad, and based on a true story. i dont wanna watch the end again, but I'll watch everything before that. :)

Movies You GOTTA See:
Atonement - SAD
The Duchess - Moderately Sad
Benjamin Button - Moderately Sad
Pride & Prejudice - HAPPY
Hot Rod - Hilarious
Nacho Libre - Effing Hilarious

and I'll continue this list when i think of any good movies. Suggestions? ;)

Jeanna is explaining her bad night where her father was "pmsing". I believe that guys do, in fact, pms.

Ugh, gotta take notes. I'll write more when i get the chance.


(The board reminds me of Barney. He's using purple & green marker! :D)


Done taking notes, Jeanna and I are singing Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie. Amazing song. Listen to it! :)

So, I've been in deep thought lately. I'm really reflecting on this past year, because school ends in three weeks. Three. More. Weeks. I can do this! Well, i switched schools, and decided to go to a Marine Oceanagraphic Academy (MOA). I left all my friends, everything i knew, to try something different.
I hate it at this school, and I miss the people at my old high school, but I've met a lot of new people and done extraordinary things i never would of had the chance to do, had i not come to MOA. For instance, meeting Jeanna! I also have my buddies Matt, Samantha, Josh, Jeff, and a few others. :)
I've lost friends, I've matured, I've gained friends, I've found new things to laugh at (except immature and perverted humor. It still annoys me to this day.)
So, I'm glad i made the switch. Yah, it sucked, but i would of been even more upset had i stayed at the other school. :)

Great. The buddies i just listed threw something at me, and are now pointing and laughing. I think somethings in my hair. kfjgefkjgaelfjig.

Wellllllll, I gotta gooooo now. If anything worthy of this blog happens, I'll type it up! :)

P.S. www.frappajeanno.blogspot.com :D


Amazing Video

I thought I'd share this with you!


frappajeanno, originally uploaded by adasorous.

and this would be the girl who wrote the beautiful letter!
have you ever gotten a letter that made you so happy, you decided to post all over the internet??!?! hahahaha :) of so, tell me. i like talking to new people....

best friend letter

best friend letter, originally uploaded by adasorous.

This was written by one of my best friends, Jeanna. I love that girl with a burning passion. I never realized a simple letter would make me so happy!

Introduction - Sick Day

Sick Day

So, my first blog EVER. Mmmhmm. 
Today, I was home sick. I haven't been sick in a while, so it's nice to be home from school! Although the day has been quite uneventful, there are still a few things I'd like to talk about. Since this is my first blog, I'll give you a taste of whats been on my hectic mind lately.

School. School school school. Hate it. Stressful. Boring. Lame. UGH! I have an AP exam this friday, and i think I'm going to fail. I've been studying, but i still don't feel confident. Advice? ;)

Love life. I haven't had much of any kind of love life. Bad luck, no experience, it's gotten to a point where i prefer to be independent. I like someone, and it was going well, then all the sudden cupids arrow ran aground, and the tables seemed to turn immensely on his part. What did I do? No clue. Nada. Nein. I swear, bad luck. It pretty much slaps me in the face everytime. So now I'm afraid of being hurt, rejected, and making a fool of myself like i always end up doing. It's like, ohhh look! Addey's happy, time to make her life miserable!
Maybe it's that sort of mentality that gets me in bad positions in the first place, but it;s hard to hope and think better when you are constantly crushed.

I've given up on all things love. I'll just wait for a miracle to happen. And keep on praying to God that things will get better.

Now, for the knitty gritty. My ambition, goal, dream, EVERYTHING has been on one thing. A year abroad in Europe. Germany is my first choice, but there are so many other places I'd love to go too. It's the only thing I've been looking forward too. The sense of being in an unfamiliar place, where I'm the foriegn one. Everything's so new, the adventure, culture, language, people, school, food, EVERYTHING! I'm sick of sitting around, seeing the same people, gaining nothing, no new knowledge, people are bored of you, you've grown bored with people, you yearn for a change. An open door. A breath of clean, fresh air, instead of the stale, stuffy air you choke on everyday. 

Maybe I sound cheesy, but I don't know how else to describe myself, the passion. It's utterly indescribable.

I'll leave this one short, if it was short at all. Ha. 